Magnetic Levitation

Parts List - Electronics Now, Feb 1996

Parts List

All resistors are 1/4-watt, 5% unless otherwise indicated
Other Components
R1 - 82 ohms L1 - Electromagnet coil - relay coil, 6-volts (P&B: KUP11ED15 - see text)
R2, R3, R4, R5 - 1000 ohms Adapter - 12-volts DC, 500 mA
R6 - 2000 ohms S1 - SPST sub-miniature toggle switch
R7 - 2200 ohms Miscellaneous
R8 - 3300 ohms Etched printed-circuit board
R9 - 12,000 ohms Heat sink for Q5 (TO-220)
R10, R11 - 100,000 ohms Plastic enclosure (PacTec K-HPL)
R12 - 150,000 ohms Hollow metal globe
R13 - 360,000 ohms Aluminum bracket
R14 - 470,000 ohms LED panel bezel mount (2 ea.)
R15 - 560 ohms, 1/2 watt Plastic LED clip mount
R16 - 10,000 ohms, panel-mount potentiometer Knob for potentiometer
Capacitors No. 6-32 x 3/8 inch screw
C1 - 0.1 uF, ceramic disc No. 6-32 x 1.0 inch screw (2 ea.)
C2 - 0.22 uF, 50 volts, polyester film No. 6-32 x 1/4 inch screw (2 ea.)
C3 - 330 uF, 25 volts, electrolytic No. 6 hex nut (2 ea.)
Semiconductors No. 4-male/female, 1/4 inch standoff (4 ea.)
IC1 - LM78L09, 9-volt DC regulator (TO-92) No. 4-40 x 1/4 inch screw (5 ea.)
IC2 - LM358N, dual op-amp No. 4 hex nut (5 ea.)
Q1 - 2N2907 (or MPS2907) PNP transistor  
Q2, Q3 - 2N3904 (or 2N4401) NPN transistors  
Q4 - 2N3906 (or 2N4403) pnp transistor  
Q5 - TIPr1A, NPN power transistor  
Q6 - IRD500 infrared photo detector (Jameco No. 112168 or equiv.)  
D1 - 1N4001 (or 1N4004) silicon diode  
LED1 - Red light-emitting diode  
IRLED - TLN110 infrared LED (Jameco No. 106425 or equiv.)  

Note - The following items are available from:
LNS Technologies, 20993 Foothill Blvd, Suite 307R, Hayward CA 94541-1511
Phone: 1-(800)-886-7150

  • Complete kit of parts for the Levitator (LEV-KIT), including etched and drilled num bracket, enclosure, metal globe and all other components listed above: $75.00
  • Etched and drilled printed-circuit board (LEV-PCB), $10
  • Electromagnet coil (LEV-COIL), $10
  • Drilled aluminum bracket (LEV-BKT), $5

Please add $5.00 shipping and handling charges to all orders. California residents add local sales tax. MC/VISA orders accepted. No C.O.D. orders.

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